SAVE THE DATE - Virtual Monthly Meeting on Monday, August 2, 2021, at 9 A.M. (CET)

International Conference: VISION – Digitalization in Higher Education

From May 30 – 31, 2022 a two-day international conference was held at the University of Graz, involving project partners from VISION – Virtual Interface for Smart Interactions Online. This two-day international conference involved a total of three universities and one Austrian technology company as full partners. Other invited guests included the project’s associated partners…

Co-creation meeting hosted by UvA

Project members from UvA and Uni Graz participated in a co-creation meeting hosted by UvA. The event was titled the “Grand Educational Challenge”. The goal of the meeting was to discuss the challenges four diverse project groups are facing and to find possible solutions. Participants included three European projects (VISION, STEM-CPD@EUni, STEAM Inc) and 1…